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Amenhotep IV was the pharoah or king of Egypt who enforced worship of just one god, Aton Ra, previously a minor god - the god of the sun disc. Amenhotep then changed his own name to Akhenaton (servant of Aton").

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Q: Did the Egyptian God Re change his name to Akhenaton?
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Who was the Egyptian pharaoh who spoke of a single god?


Who who is Akhenaton?

He is a Egyptian King who said that the sun is the god of RA but the real god is Alah

What did Akhenaton try to do?

Akhenaten, or Amenhotep IV, tried to change the Egyptian religion. He wanted everyone to worship the sun god, (not Ra, the element) Aten.

Did Akenaten follow ra the sun god?

no. Akhenaton believed in the one true God. He believed all the Egyptian gods were merely different facets or aspects of this one God, whom he called Aton. his name was originally Amenhotep IV, named after his ancestors. because his name included the name of the god Amen, he changed it to Akhenaton, literally, "beloved of Aton."

Egyptian king who believed in 1 god?

Akhenaton (or Ikhnaton) was the first monotheistic godJonathan Clary

How did Egyptian art change under Akhenaton?

they inroduced monothesis which worshipping one god named aten the son god akhenaton wanted any timples that represented the other gods to be distoryed because he wanted them to believe in one god (sry 4 spelling im not that gud yea yea yea ik that is what spell check is for wateva) written by alana

What major contribution did Akhenaton give to Egyptian culture?

he promoted monotheism, wich means one god to belive in.

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The name of the Egyptian's god of baboons is Babi.

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The name of the Egyptian's god of creation is Ptah.

What is the name of Egyptian's god of the earth?

The name of the Egyptian's god of the earth is Geb.

A pharaoh who believed in one god?

Akhenaten is especially noted for attempting to compel the Egyptian population in the monotheistic worship of Aten,

Who was the Egyptian god?

Egypt had several different gods for almost all facets of Egyptian life. At one time the Pharaoh Akhenaton tried to move Egypt away from polytheism and install Amon-Re as the "one true god", but failed.