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Q: How does ammonia affect the human body?
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How does ammonia affect the body?

At moderate levels ammonia can affect the eyes, skin, and throat of the human body. At higher concentrations, ammonia can cause lung and brain damage.

Is there ammonia in your friend's body?

Yes there is ammonia in human body. Most of the ammonia in body is obtained during digestion in the intestine. The bacteria break down proteins in food to form ammonia. Liver converts ammonia into urea which you urinate out.

Do you produce ammonia?

Yes, human body can produce ammonia. Bacteria in our intestines break down proteins into ammonia.

What did ammonia drops represent in the body?

Ammonia is present in the human body and converted into urea by the liver. Those with liver problems can have too much ammonia in the body thus developing potentially dangerous illness.

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True. They do directly affect the Human Body.

What are four molecules in the body?

Here are 4 molecules found in the human body: water, glucose, ammonia and glutamate.

What does ammonia nitrate do the human body?

When ammonia enters the body as a result of breathing, swallowing or skin contact, it reacts with water to produce ammonium hydroxide. This chemical is very corrosive and damages cells in the body on contact

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Is there ammonia in your body?

No there is not. Ammonia is a harmful gas for body.

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As the mass of a human body increases, so does the g-force exhibited on the human body.

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they dont

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