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Q: How does an axolotl eat food?
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Will your axolotl eat your goldfish?

yes a axolotl can eat a goldfish

When does an axolotl eat?

An axolotl eats at night

What animals eat axolotl?

Axolotl's are typically prey to humans in the wild. They're ratchet.

Axolotl is in a food chain?


When do axolotl eat?

Any time I think

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Why isn't my axolotl eating?

There are a couple of reasons why your axolotl might not be eating like temperature of the tank water and if the water is being cycled, and if you are feeding your axolotl only one typeof food maybe try something different,

Can an axolotl eat fruits and veggies?

axoltls are carnivors and shouldn't eat fruit and vegetables.

What are an axolotl's structures for defense?

Axolotl has a good sense of smell. It can survive on very little food. It can also regenerate lost limbs.

What is the right food for axolotl?

Earthworms, Lumbricus terrestris, are the best

Why does your axolotl try to eat but spit it back out?

It's possible the food is too big for it. Try switching to smaller food items and see if that cures the 'problem'. Most animals will be able to gauge the correct size of food for themselves.

Your axolotl died in 1 day what was wrong?

Alot of things could have been wrong. From the water temperature, to lack of food. Maybe the axolotl was ill to start with.