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Because every body no matter how small has mass. We don't notice the gravitational force between the people and things around us because the mass of the earth is so large in comparison.

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Q: How does an object exert gravitational force on every other object?
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What force do the sun and the moon exert on the earth?

They exert Gravitational Force on each other. It is a force which is directly proportional to Mass of the object

What is the force that every object exerts a force on every other object?

Gravitational Force

How much mass does a celestial object have to have to exert gravitational force?

There is no minimum mass at which point an object (celestial or otherwise) begins to have a gravitational force. Any object with mass has an associated gravitational force. The magnitude of that force is proportional to to the mass of the object - lots of mass results in lots of gravitational force; little masses result in only little gravitational force.

Is the force that every object in the universe exert on every other object?


Do Objects of any size exert a gravitational force.?

If the object having some mass then for sure it exert a gravitational force.The more the mass the more will be gravity.

Does Earth exert a force on Mercury?

Yes. There is a gravitational force of attraction between every pair of mass objects. EVERY pair.

Why do the earth and the sun exert on the other?

I assume you mean, why do they exert gravitational attraction. ANY object with mass, so any object, exerts such a force on ANY other mass.

Is gravitational force same for every body?

no, because gravitational force depents on the object's weight.

Why does earth exert such a strong force of gravity?

Answer #1: A gravitational force exists between every two masses. Answer #2: When you hold something in your hand and then let go of it, what usually happens to it ? What does this tell you ? Yes, Earth does exert gravitational force on anything with mass.

Does every object have a gravitational pull on another object?

Yes. A gravitational force attracts every mass toward every other mass.

What is gravitition force?

A force generated b every object with mass that pulls things towards it. The bigger the mass of an object the bigger the gravitational force.

The force an object exerts on other objects is called?

This force is defined by Newtons third law: action and reaction.''To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction: or the forces of two bodies on each other are always equal and are directed in opposite directions''This force doesn't have a name since it is depending on the object and the type of forces you are looking at. Fx. when you're driving the road exert a frictional force on you. But the earth exert a gravitational force on you and you a gravitational force on the earth.