

How does an organism's genotype determine its phenotype?

Updated: 1/24/2023
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11y ago

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By transcribing the code, which is unique to each organism and general to that species, that builds the proteins that express the phenotype; the physiological and behavioral traits of organisms.

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Ambrose Krajcik

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Q: How does an organism's genotype determine its phenotype?
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Can you accurately determine an organisms genotype by observing it's phenotype?

No, genotype actually determines phenotype.

When can you accurately determine a person's genotype from their phenotype?

Yes you can accurately determine an organisms genotype by observing it's phenotype, however some phenotypic traits resulting from homozygous or heterozygous combinations of alleles, may make the prediction impossible.

Does phenotype determine genotype?

It is a false statement that "phenotype determines genotype". In fact, it is the opposite. A genotype is the genetics or "instructions" that determine the phenotype. The phenotype is the actual appearance, ex: blue eyes, that is created by a given genotype.

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How do you use genotype and phenotype in a sentence?

In genetics,the phenotype is when genes combine to determine dominant traits

What are the characteristics of phenotype?

A phenotype is the physical characteristics of an organism. It is determined by the genotype, so the characteristics are endless. You have to specifically know the genotype or the physical features to determine the phenotype

Is phenotype determine genotype false?

Yes, this is false. It's genotype that determines phenotype. e.g. If you have the dominant gene for brown eyes and the recessive gene for blue eyes (genotype) you will have brown eyes (phenotype)

What is an organisms way to express its genotype?

No, the genotype is the genetic composition of the organism. On the other hand, the phenotype is the physical composition of the organism. For example, a gene that causes a bird's feathers to be black in color is the genotype and the phenotype is the actual observable of the black feathers.

Why is it sometimes impossible to determine the genotype of an organism that has a dominant phenotype?

it is impossible because the phenotype and genotype are different this is out of chapter 10 in the biology book on page 336

What are an individual's observable traits called?

genotype or phenotype

When genetics refer to the physical characteristics of an organism they are talking about its what?

When genetics refer to the physical characteristics of an organism, they are talking about its phenotype. This includes traits such as eye color, height, and hair texture that can be observed. These characteristics are the result of interactions between an organism's genetics and its environment.

What is An organisms physical appearance is?

An organism's physical appearance is its phenotype. This is distinct from its genetic makeup, called its genotype.