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Q: How does animal testing affect the economy?
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What affect will animal testing have on future generations?

Animal testing will affect future generations because it will waste future tax dollars that should go to schools, works, and the rest of the community.

Is animal testing decreasing the population?

I'm not sure animal testing really affects anything. I know that some companies test their products on animals, like deodorant, perfume, makeup etc. They do that to make sure it is safe to use on humans.It is inhumane!!! They need to stop. These companies test on animals. Please stop buying their products until they stop testing.:

How will animal testing affect environment?

Many animals are in sever danger because of expirementation its horrible to the go through it

Is hunting just as bad as animal testing?

no it is not as bad then animal testing

One alternative to animal testing is Chorioallantoic Membrane Testing but how expensive is that compared to animal testing?

SUPER EXPTREMLY EXPENSIVE animal testing is the cheapest and most efficiant way

How does the marketing affect the economy?

how does affect the all economy

How do bio-fuels affect the economy?

it does not affect the economy

Is there animal testing in Australia?

Yes, animal testing is around the whole world !

Is some animal testing required by law?

No. There is no legal requirement for animal testing.

What happens to animals in animal testing?

well if the testing is from animal haters the animal will die but if they are good it will live......

What are some moral beliefs on animal testing?

if you believe in animal have no morals,,,i no this because i just wrote a 5 page paper on animal testing and its horrid

Why animal testing should be done?

I am HIGHLY against animal testing but as all thing there are pro's and con's...... If people tested shampoo on humans and it was poisonous then that person might die. If an animal tested shampoo then that a loss, but there are LOADS of different types/breeds of animals and it wont affect the world that bad.