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Many animals are in sever danger because of expirementation its horrible to the go through it

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Q: How will animal testing affect environment?
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How does animal testing help preserve the environment?

Although many scientists try to explain that animal testing helps the environment, there is no evidence to support this. Although it does not help the environment, there is no evidence that says it harms the environment, either.

What affect will animal testing have on future generations?

Animal testing will affect future generations because it will waste future tax dollars that should go to schools, works, and the rest of the community.

How does glass affect your environment?

It affect the environment by it causes injuries and death. Also it can destroy animal habitats.

What will happen if people dont stop animal testing?

If animal testing continues the death of the these animals could follow. The death of these animals could lead to the imbalance of our environment.

How plant and animal activities may affect the environment?


Why did scientists send the first animal in space?

To see how the environment and the launch would affect it.

What animals are killed during animal testing?

yes well that's not the only reason there's hunting cars poachers animal fights cruel people real sudden environment changes but animal testing is a big part of it like dissection and testing new medicine and other experi Cancel ments

How does animal testing affect the economy?

Animal testing helps to prevent the usage of humans for testing. Sometimes, an animal must die in order for its' level of health, or its' reaction to a treatment, to be assessed. Animals are tested for more products than we know, and a big reason for that is that humans' emotional responses often overrule our logic.

How does this adaptation affect their life habits in their environment?

I am not sure what adaptation you are referring to, and which animal or plant you are wondering about.

Is hunting just as bad as animal testing?

no it is not as bad then animal testing

One alternative to animal testing is Chorioallantoic Membrane Testing but how expensive is that compared to animal testing?

SUPER EXPTREMLY EXPENSIVE animal testing is the cheapest and most efficiant way

How would a Bengal tiger affect the food web if it was in Yellowstone?

Yes any animal introduced into a new environment will affect the food web.