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It really doesn't have much of an effect. Do all Christians agree and maintain the exact same morals? No, not really even close. Joseph Stalin was an atheist, but so was Carl Sagan. Do you think they would ever sit down with one another and have a cup of tea? No, probably not. Also, Stalin was a psychopath, Sagan not so much.

Morality arises from your environment more so than from any other factor. People do violent things to one another when they are brainwashed to believe in an objectified "Other."

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Q: How does atheism affect moral life?
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A:As far as I am aware, there have been no rigorous, formal studies on the effect of atheism on family life and relationships. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that atheists are just as likely to have warm, loving family lives and relationships as do religious people. Of course, if everone were atheist, a no doubt unachievable objective, there would be no disagreements over religion and no family splits based on religion.

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