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Q: How does bacteria and fungi digest food through extracellular digestion?
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What is the advantage of extracellular digestion over intracellular digestion?

extracellular digestion enables and animal to digest much larger prey then intracellulary digestion allows.

What are two basic ways that cells can digest a substance?

Extracellular digestion and intercellular digestion.

Organisms such as bacteria and fungi digest macromolecules in the environment this best describes the important roll these organisms play in what?

Fungi digest macromolecules by extracellular enzyme activity.

Is making vitamins one of the roles of bacteria that live in human bodies?

Bacteria in the gut play a major role in digestion. In some cases, the bacteria consume the food and transform it into a form the body can digest. This happens with the digestion of celery.

How is digestion in fungi different from digestion in human beings?

Most fungi digest their food by extracellular digestion, or at least some hydrolysis occur beforehand. Meaning the food is broken down in compartments that are continuous with the outside of the fungi's body. Example of such an compartment: Gastrovascular cavity.

The Cecum contains microorganisms which digest cellulose.Why would the presence of these microorganisms be important in the process of digestion?

Herbivorous mammals don't secrete the enzymes required to digest cellulose. They sub-contract the work of cellulose digestion to guest bacteria. The bacteria are provided with a home and lots of food in exchange. Humans don't do this. We have no capacity to digest cellulose. The appendix is the remnant of the Caecum in the human.

Which bacteria are present in the small intestine that help in digestion in humans?

Well, let me put this short and sweet: If there were no bacteria in your digestive tract, you wouldn't be able to digest much anything.

How does rhizopus obtains its food?

Rhizopus Stolonifer is considered saprophytic Therefore , feeds on dead , damp and decaying matter such as

How does digestion help you?

it helps by when you digest somthing it goes through your body and without a digest system you would not be able to eat or even breathe

What does it mean to digest something?

To digest something means for food to go through the digestion process, beginning at the mouth/teeth and ending out of the anus as feces.

Is bacteria in out digestive system helpful?

Many bacteria in the body help eat many other things you might digest and will keep it from harming you.

How does feces digest?

It doesnt digest as such it is the bi product of digestion