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you are morecultural and you will communicate better with people from all around the world. It is polite to speak someone else language. More job opportunities

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6d ago

Being bilingual can have positive effects on society by promoting cultural diversity, cross-cultural communication, and understanding. It can also contribute to economic growth by enhancing opportunities for international trade and business. Additionally, bilingualism can help bridge gaps between different linguistic communities and foster a more inclusive society.

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Q: How does being biligual effect society?
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What does biligual mean?

Being bilingual means having the ability to speak and understand two languages fluently. This typically involves being proficient in both languages and being able to switch between them easily.

Does hate help us as ourselves or as a society?

Hate typically does not benefit individuals or society as a whole. It can lead to negative emotions, actions, and behaviors that harm relationships, well-being, and progress. Instead, fostering understanding, empathy, and respect can promote unity, harmony, and growth within both oneself and society.

What is the role of a women have in Brazilian society?

Women in Brazilian society play various roles, including being caretakers of the family, participating in the workforce, and advocating for women's rights. They are increasingly challenging traditional gender norms and stereotypes to achieve equality and empowerment.

How is language and society interrelated?

Language and society are closely interconnected as language is influenced by societal norms, values, and customs. Language serves as a medium for communication, shaping social relationships and reinforcing cultural identities. Society, in turn, impacts language through processes such as language change, dialect variation, and the creation of specialized jargon within different social groups.

What is the effect of society on language?

Society influences language through factors like culture, communication trends, and technological advancements. Language reflects societal values, norms, and power structures, shaping how people express themselves and interact with each other. Social changes can lead to the evolution of language, new vocabulary, and shifts in communication styles.

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The Aztecs were a part of the ancient society. Currently, this ancient culture has no effect on modern day society.

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Yes reading the bible has a very large positive effect on the society as a whole.

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Child labor has negative effects on society, including depriving children of their childhood, education, and future opportunities. It can also perpetuate cycles of poverty and exploitation within communities. Additionally, child labor can lead to lower productivity and undermine a country's overall development.

What was the lasting effect of the Great Society?

The lasting effect of the Great Society was the creation of landmark social programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Head Start, which continue to provide support to millions of Americans in need today. The Great Society also sparked national conversations on civil rights, poverty, and education that influenced future policy decisions and shaped the priorities of subsequent administrations.

How does windmill effect the society?

it diosn't

What effect did the Magic 8 Ball have. Like on society?

It has no effect at all.

What long term effect has a library on society?

A well organized library , being a residue of knowledge can be a big agent of changing the society and the whole world where inventions, explorations in different matters that will improve not only the reader but more so with the society where he is in can take place.

What scientific idea has not had a far reaching impact on society?

IMHO, every scientific idea has an impact on society. The question then becomes - what constitutes 'far reaching'. One could say that global warming has not had a far reaching effect since society has not changed what they are doing to mitigate its effects. Or you can say that it has already had a far reaching effect given the damage being caused by fires, tornados, rain, drought, etc. being effected by global climate change.

What effect do scorpions have on civilized society?


Does music industry effect society?

yes it does