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Warm blooded animals try to keep their bodies at a constant temperature. They are able to generate their own heat so they can be kept in cooler areas.

Cold blooded animals can't make their own heat so they need to be kept in a warm environment, or they won't survive. That's why you see a lot of lizards and other cold blooded animals basking in the sun, and why they act slower in the cold.

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Q: How does being warm blooded or cold blooded affect the lifestyle of that animal?
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How does being warm-blooded affect the lifestyle of that animal?

when an animal is warm blooded it does not need to rest in the sun or the shade during certain part of the day to regulate its body heat. Therefore it is generally more active.

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The ratio of a body to it's mass is less the larger the animal is. A warm blooded animal that is big can generate more heat than a smaller animal. The heat loss from their bodies is proportional to the surface of their bodies, and the heat created by their bodies is proportional to their mass. A cold blooded animal that is small can stay cool.

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Being a bird, it is warm blooded, as are all avian animals.

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Yes, being mammals, they are warm blooded.

Is a monotreme warm blooded?

No. Being mammals, monotremes are warm blooded.