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Q: How does biodiesel help the environment?
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How does biodiesel effect the environment?

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How can biodiesel help the planet?

Biodiesel is replenishable where fossil fuels aren't. Biodiesel is made from biomass such as corn, rapeseed, sugarcane and even algae. The CO2 produced from burning biodiesel is indirectly reabsorbed by the plants that will make the next batch of biodiesel. Fossil fuels just release CO2.

Benefits of biodiesel?

Biodiesel improves public health and the environment, and provides safety benefits. It also reduces greenhouse gas emissions better than gasoline, ethanol, and conventional diesel.

Is biofuel good for the environment?

Generally I would say that it is good for the environment. The biodiesel reduces the emissions of carbon dioxide by over 50 percent, driving down the pollution in the air. That is because the biodiesel emissions are from recycled carbon that was already in the atmosphere. The biodiesel also has a lot less hydrocarbons. In fact, there are venture capitalist investing large amount of money on biofuels. Read more, click the link.

What has a higher efficiency biodiesel or ethanol?


What is the difference between biofuel and biodiesel?

Biofuel is organic, cheap, good for the environmet, and made from plants grown here in the US. Biodiesel is recycled oil that can be used to run cars and plains but it is not organic and the reproduction is not good for the environment at all and can be a bit more expensive. All in all they both have their advantages and disadvantages.

What is the spanish word for biodiesel?

biodiesel = el biodiésel

Which technology would best help the US wean itself from foreign oil?

biodiesel fuel

Is bio diesel really good for the environment?

The biodiesel reduces the emissions of carbon monoxide by over 50 percent, driving down the pollution in the air. That is because the biodiesel emissions are from recycled carbon that was already in the atmosphere. The biodiesel also has a lot less hydrocarbons. With the biodiesel there is a 71 percent decrease in benzopyrenes.It is proven that biodiesel fuel can reduce as much as 20 percent of the direct tailpipe emission. The fuel also makes up between 10 and 25 percent more nitrogen oxide that are the tailpipe emissions than regular petrodiesel. Biodiesel has a higher cetane rating than the regular diesel fuel and the benefit of that would be that the car starts quicker with the biodiesel fuel than the standard.

Is it safe to mix diesel and biodiesel?

Yes it is safe to mix petroleum diesel and biodiesel. Blends of biodiesel and petroleum diesel are designated "BX." Where "B" states that the fuel mixture is a biodiesel blend and "X" indicates the percentage of biodiesel in the blend. For example, common blends of biodiesel in North America include B2 (2% biodiesel), B5(5%), B20(20%), and B100(100%). B100 is also know as "neat," or pure, biodiesel.

Where can one find information on biodiesel fuel?

Wikipedia provides an excellent encyclopedia style article on biodiesel fuel. Other websites that offer information about biodiesel fuel are the U.S. Department of Energy's Biodiesel page and the National Biodiesel Board's page.

Can I buy a hybrid car that uses biodiesel?

Yes, you can buy a hybrid that uses biodiesel but they are much harder to come by than hybrids that don't use biodiesel or biodiesel cars that aren't hybrids.