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Carbon remains constant in its cycle. It is recycled.

The gist of it is that it goes from air-> to soil -> to bacteria which releases it back into the air again.

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Q: How does carbon enter the geosphere and leaves the biosphere?
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How does carbon dixiode enter green leaves?

Carbon dioxide enter the leaves through the called stomata found under the leaves.

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When carbon dioxide leaves the blood what organ does it enter?

The lungs.

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Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Oxygen (O2) can enter leaves through the pore.

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carbon dioxide enters the plant through it's leaves. glad to help :)

How does carbon dioxide enter the alveoli?

Carbon dioxide ;D and carbon dioxide leaves it. 8)

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Carbon dioxide and oxygen enter and leave the plant through the stomata, on the underside of leaves.

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The place is the same for both; the alveoli in the lungs.

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Mainly Carbon dioxide enters. Some water can enter,but majority of water leaves through them