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Carbon dioxide ;D and carbon dioxide leaves it. 8)

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14y ago

Carbon dioxide passes from the air we inhale into our lungs and the aveoli, or alveolar sacs.

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Q: How does carbon dioxide enter the alveoli?
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What gas enters the alveoli?

Oxygen is removed from the alveoli by the cappillaries.

Does the exchange of carbon dioxide depend on the concentration of oxygen in the alveoli and the blood?

No. It depends on the concentration of carbon dioxide in the alveoli and the blood. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the capillaries of the alveoli is higher than the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air, so carbon dioxide in the capillaries of the alveoli diffuses out of the capillaries into the alveoli of the lungs and is exhaled.

Where are oxygen and carbon dioxide exchanged in the lungs?

oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged in alveoli (singular alveolus).

What is the place were oxygen enter the blood and carbon dioxide leaves the blood?

The place is the same for both; the alveoli in the lungs.

How do lungs remove its carbon dioxide?

In lungs alveoli is present where exchange of gases takes place, when blood with carbon dioxide is reached lungs then these alveoli purify by removing carbon dioxide

What does the Alveoli and the capillaires do?

Alveoli takes oxygen in and brings out carbon dioxide.

In the lungs is carbon dioxide more concentrated in the alveoli or in the blood?

In the lungs, carbon dioxide is concentrated more in the blood. The alveoli keeps the carbon dioxide at a lower level than in the blood.

What happens in the aveoli?

Carbon dioxide diffuses from the capillaries surrounding the alveoli into the lungs where it is exhaled, and oxygen diffuses into the capillaries surrounding the alveoli into the bloodstream where it will circulate throughout the body.

What are the structures that allow for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and blood?

The tiny air sacs of the lungs were oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged are the alveoli.

Does the carbon dioxide travels into capillaries alveolar and out of the capillaries at the tissue?

In the alveoli

Which gas passes into the blood from the alveoli?


What organ does the oxygen-carbon Dioxide take place?

Oxygen is brought into the blood, and carbon dioxide released from the blood, at the alveoli of the lungs. Gases diffuse across the alveolar membrane to enter or leave the blood.