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Q: How does chiasmata contribute to genetic variation?
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Nicely. Do your project on your own!

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What is One consequence of genetic drift is?

Loss of genetic variation(:Novanet:)

What specific meiotic events contribute to meiosis leads to significant genetic variation while mitosis does not?

may be its genetical diffence

X shaped regions created when chromosomes crossover are called?

When chromosomes crossover the x shaped region created is called a chiasmata. These chiasmatas allow chromosomes to exchange of genetic materials.

Which structure is directly correlated with the production of genetic variability in the daughter cells produced during meiosis?


What is a source of genetic variation in organisms?

Human recombination is a significant source of genetic variation.

What happens after meiosis to introduce even more genetic variation in sexualy reproducing organisms?

Genetic variation is increased by meiosis Because of recombination and independent assortment in meiosis, each gamete contains a different set of DNA. This produces a unique combination of genes in the resulting zygote. Recombination or crossing over occurs during prophase

Relate genetic variation and mutations to each other?

mutations cause genetic variation, and vice-versa. If there is a genetic variation (or lack of one), then this can effect the severity of the mutation.

Which of these is necessary for natural selection to occur genetic engeneering genetic variation asexual reproduction or enviormental stability?

Genetic variation

Why is crossing over so important?

It increases genetic variation in organisms