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Dramatically. In a home where: Parents read to the child, daily, from an early age, and have conversations around the dinner table instead of TV, and both parents are seen by the child reading frequently, and both parents make it clear to the child the high value they place on education, and doing one's best in school, the children from that home will - almost invariably - succeed extremely well in school. I write this answer speaking as both a career teacher and as a parent.

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Shiksha Sharma

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1y ago
Child rearing practices create a great impact academic performance of a child,as these are the formative years of a child. In this span child learns,discipline,time management,maintaining focus etc.These traits are the product of good parenting.

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to compare child rearing practiciples.filipinos with other natiomalist in philliphines

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It depends on what context your question is truly being asked. Rearing of a child in what? culture? religion?, politics? there are just way to many posabilities. Narrow your question to a particular part of the world and an answer may be available.

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