

How does ciliates eat?

Updated: 10/9/2023
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Q: How does ciliates eat?
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How do you ciliates eat?

Ciliates eat with their vacuole.

How ciliates eat?

with their feet

How do ciliates live?

The eat bacteria mostly and reproduce by binary fission.

How do ciliates get food?

Celiates get their food by first surrounding the particle or cell. They use their cilia to sweep the food into the gullet.

How do ciliates eat and move?

They obsorb all the nutrients from dead orginisms

Are Ciliates autotrophic or heterotrophic?

ciliates are heterotrophs

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The ciliates do not cause malaria. Malaria is caused by protozoa. They have pseudopodia.

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Ciliates, a unicellular protozoa, use their cilia, tiny hair-like organelles, to move around.

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