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The class structure such as Ewell's being below "normal" people in Maycomb and black people being even below them makes the events some what different, such as Atticus and Bob Ewell squaring up to eachover, Bob spits in his face and generally there would be a fight or violence taken but because Atticus is in a higher class and is a more polite, educated and a more well mannered person, he simply wipes it and walks of. So basically your answer would be, different characters react in different ways to events because they come from different backgrounds.. Maybe also the fact that they don't know and are and or are scared of the consequences.

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The class structure in Maycomb creates division and discrimination among its residents, influencing their interactions and attitudes towards one another. The social hierarchy based on wealth and race dictates power dynamics and expectations, shaping characters' behaviors and decisions throughout the novel. This inherently unequal society perpetuates prejudices and injustice, leading to conflicts and tragedies such as the trial of Tom Robinson and the treatment of the Finch family.

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