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Q: How does climate change cause monsoon?
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Why monsoon winds change their direction?

Because the climate change

Why monsoon winds change direction?

Because the climate change

Why does India have monsoon type of climate?

Indian climate is strongly affected by the monsoon winds hence the climate type in India is called monsoon.

What is the average snowfall in a monsoon climate?

None, although monsoon is not a climate. But snow does not fall in locations that experience a monsoon.

What are the advantages of a monsoon climate?

the advantages of a monsoon climate are the following = monsoon helps us in lowaring down the temperature of the country .

What climates inhibit population settlement in India?

Climate change creates monsoons and cultivation will suffer.

Does ozone depletion cause climate change?

Yes, ozone depletion can cause climate change. It causes greenhouse effect which can then cause climate change.

Where is Tropical Climate found?

The monsoon climate is found near India Sri Lanka and Bangladesh the monsoon climate is caused by the monsoon rains, basically they are winds that have come from Australia (Southern Hemisphere) and they blow up and left, then when they reach the southern hemisphere they blow right and cause a wet season for India known as the monsoon rains, because it rains for about 3 months really heavily.

What is India's climate type?

India has a monsoon climate.

What type of climate is India?

India has a monsoon climate.

How is monsoon climate in south and south east Asia?

monsoon comes from Arabic word mausim which means season in the summer and winter season the monsoon wind blows in opposite direction this change in wind direction which is the chief feature of this climate resembles land and sea breezes but on a vast continental scale

What is the climate in Taiwan?

The climate in taiwan is Tropical monsoon and Subtropical monsoon. Wet-Dry tropical climate,mild,trade-wind coastal climate,humid climate,temperate rainy climate, and dry winters. XD