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The darker the color the higher the heat and the lighter the color the less heat

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12y ago
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12y ago

the darker something is the more light it absorbs and so it gots 'hotter' 'quicker' that's a large reason the Arabs wear white to reflect as much light/heat as possible

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Q: How does color effect heat?
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How does colour effect heat and temperature?

for me color effect heat is red..because red is a very colorful into your eyes

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yes, the color of your house effects the tempture. a dark color absorbs heat. Mostly Black

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dark colours draw sunlight/heat

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Not really it may have some effect but it would be very little.

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Black color absorbs more than it radiates. White color reflects back off most of the absorbed energy into the surrounding. Different colors have varying capacity to retain onto heat energy absorbed from the surrounding.

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color first then heat

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Black absorbs heat and white reflects it. (other colors will fall somewhere in that range) Therefore, it would make sense that color would effect the rate at which an ice cube melts.

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actually the color does not effect how fast the candle burn, i got confused of " Does candle's color effect how candle's burn?"but i think the color does not effect how candle burns. But some people will think that the white or yello candle will burn slower because color will obsorb the heat more. Hope i have answered your question.

Will the color of a slushie effect how fast-slow it will melt?

The color may effect how fast-slow it will melt because the may have different ingredients then the others. Also, darker colors attract more light and light = heat. So if the slushies are not in the dark, the color will affect their rate of melting.

What is the relationship between color and heat?

the darker the color the more heat it attracts. the lighter the color the more heat it reflects.