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Q: How does conflict influence decisions and actions?
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To influence the plot in a story means to have an impact on the development or outcome of events through actions, decisions, or consequences brought about by a character or element within the narrative. This influence can drive the story forward, change the direction of events, or create conflict and resolution within the plot.

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Dramatic actions are significant events or decisions within a play or performance that create tension, reveal character motives, and drive the plot forward. These actions often involve conflict and impact the trajectory of the story or the relationships between characters.

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The theme would be the most important element in a short story about a moral conflict. It sets the tone and guides the characters' decisions and actions, ultimately leading to the resolution of the conflict.

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Decisions can shape your life. A book can influence your decisions to make them better.

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Other people can influence you through their words, actions, attitudes, and behaviors, which can shape your beliefs, values, and mindset. Social influences, peer pressure, role models, and interpersonal relationships can all have an impact on your thoughts, decisions, and actions. It is important to be aware of these influences and critically evaluate them to make independent and informed choices.

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Thomas Putnam's main conflict in "The Crucible" is his desire for revenge and power. He is resentful of those who have more land and influence than he does, and he uses the witch trials to accuse others in order to increase his own wealth and status. This conflict drives his actions throughout the play.

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through the purchasing decisions they make

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In a story, mindset refers to a character's attitude, beliefs, and way of thinking that influence their actions and decisions throughout the plot. It can impact the character's development, relationships, and the outcome of the story.