

How does convection occur in gas?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: How does convection occur in gas?
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What two states of matter can occur in convection?

Convection currents are in the liquid and gas states.

Where does convection occur?

Convection occurs when and where a fluid is in a gravity field and heat is applied to its base.

Where does convection mostly occur?

Convection occurs in any liquid or gas that has variations in density due to uneven heating.

Do convection currents happen when cool air rises?

No. Convection occurs when warm air rises and cool air sinks. It is not limited to air, either, but can occur in virtually any liquid or gas.

A circular flow of warmer fluid and cooler fluid is called a?

A convection current, however, this can also occur with gases.

Why do convection currents not occur in some components of the structure of the earth?

Convection currents can occur in either a gas or liquid medium but not in a solid medium (so you can have them in air, and you can have them in magma, but you can't have them in solid rock) and they only occur when there is a temperature difference, so that hotter, less dense material will rise, and colder, denser material will sink.

Where does convection occur on the sun?

The core

What are convection currents and in which layer do they occur?


Describe the process of convection?

Convection is caused by temperature differences, in a gas such as air, which affect the gas density in local areas thus causing movement of the gas, generally upward due to buoyancy of warmer gas compared to the average density. Thus heat from a heating element near the floor of a room can be spread through the room without any forced circulation.

How does heat loss occur?

It can occur through conduction, convection and radiation.

What is more likely to occur in the water thermal energy transfer by conduction or convection?


What does convection only occur in?

Convection only occurs in fluids. Fluids are gases or liquids.