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Someone puts it there. Sometimes it's the legal rightsholder (or someone the rightsholder has authorized), but often it isn't.

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Q: How does copyrighted content get onto the internet?
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Is uploading a CD onto the internet illegal?

If it is copyrighted content, yes.

Can I use a phone to record my voice and use that on a youtube video?

Yes, just make sure to add the audio to your video in a video editor and then upload your finished content onto YouTube. Also make sure that there is no copyrighted background music or any copyrighted content in the background.

Is content on the web copyrighted or public domain?

Both kinds of information appear on the web, although copyrighted content is more common.

Is everything on the Internet in the public domain?

It definitely is NOT. Many companies post images, logos, and stories that are copyrighted. MOST government websites have content that is not copyrighted, some will have content that IS copyrighted, and used with permission of the owner. When reading an article, or viewing images, scroll down- you may see a notice that says something like "All rights reserved" and the c in a circle symbol that means copyrighted- and a date. That is NOT public domain.

Can you use Pokemon on Scribblenauts?

Regretably, no, as they are copyrighted content.

Can you post copyrighted content on a monetized youtube account?

You would need to gain permission to use copyrighted content if you are going to make money from it. Generally, you can use copyrighted content (covering songs and such) if you make no money from it. The copyright holders might put adverts on your video so that they make money from it instead.

What can you legally download off of the internet?

Anything which is copyrighted.

Does deleted content stay copyrighted In other words, if a copyrighted video was no longer available anywhere, is it technically still copyrighted, or could it be used by other people?

It is still copyrighted. There's no exception for things that are out of print or unavailable.

How much video can be used on youtube before it can be copyrighted?

There is no magic number for the amount of copyrighted content used that will lead to a copyright notification. Fair use is a very ambiguous rule and is judged on a case-by-case basis. To be safe, avoid using any copyrighted content in your videos at all.

Where is the good internet for kumon answer keys?

cant theyre copyrighted

Is an emulator legal?

If it does not contains any copyrighted content, such as BIOS/Firmware, yes.

Is content copyrighted?

Yes And No! Users Can Report that and the Supervisors or other members can remove the hole post. As long as the member uses this text it is not Copyrighted.