

How does cotton candy dissolves?

Updated: 10/20/2022
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13y ago

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it dissolves when it touches a acid liquid such as your saliva when you eat it or a type of acid drink. or chemical

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Q: How does cotton candy dissolves?
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Why does cotton candy melt in your mouth but not in your hand?

The reason cotton candy dissolves in your mouth begins with the manufacturing process. First the sugar was melted and heated then dried into tiny strands whrn the cotton candy is put in your mouth the sugar is being rewarmed by your saliva which causes it to melt!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Is it possible to make pepper into cotton candy?

No, not unless a manufacturer of Cotton Candy made a special batch of pepper cotton candy sugar for you.

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Is cotton candy spicy?

no, cotton candy is not spicy! it is sweet and melts in your mouth!

Can children be allergic to cotton candy?

Yes< children can be allergic to cotton candy!!:)