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no its just citric acid with other flavorings

No, it the expressed juice of the cranberry. Der. Other junk is sometimes added to improve the flavor, and in Russia they used to infuse water with the berries.

thats just a myth

No, studies have shown the cranberry to contain a compound that stops bacteria sticking to the lining of the urinary tract. This helps the body prevent or even fight urinary tract infections, the most common cause of blood in the urine. So it is often recommended by naturapaths and herbalists for recurring cystitis (inflammation and/or infection of the bladder). But antibiotics work better and without them you are courting damage to the kidneys. So see a doctor!

Also note that eating beetroot can cause some of the beetroot dye to be excreted into the urine, making it appear bloody! But this is not harmful. Real blood in the urine is usually accompanied by a mild to painful burning sensation when passing urine. But if the problem persists even if there is no pain, again, see a doctor! And stop relying on the internet for dodgy medical advice!

i suggest just purely drinking water with some salt

Again, more bad advice. Putting salt into your drinking water is almost never recommended by medical professionals nowadays. And adding extra stress to your already straining kidneys sounds like a really bad idea to me.

In the past there were salt tablets for people to take in times of extreme exertion or heat stress. They worked great if take with plenty of water, but were extremely dangerous when taken without adequate water, and could cause kidney failure and death! Just use Gatorade or whatever to be safe. And it's not going to do squat for your blood in the urine, just make you feel better if you have lost electrolytes from sweat!

But you should try to drink a fair amount of water when you have a urinary infection to dilute the urine to make it less painful to pee, if nothing else.

What the person was probably thinking of was urinary alkalizers, such as Ural and many other brands. They have usually sodium bicarbonate and citric acid and/or sodium citrate in them. They change the pH (basically acidity) of your blood to make it slightly more alkaline. This makes the urine more alkaline, which makes passing it much more bearable. But it is only a symptomatic treatment, so you need to go and see a doctor and get the underlying cause of why you are passing blood sorted out!

Hope you get better soon!

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Q: How does cranberry juice help blood in pee?
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Is cranberry juice will remove drugs form the system if the test is base on blood test?

Cranberry juice. Ah, cranberry juice.Quick answer: No.Long answer:Cranberry juice fools a urine test in two ways: it's a diuretic, a drug that makes you pee more, and it changes the pH of your urine. Neither one of those things is going to help you on a blood test.

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It wount help at all. Drink alot of water and pee it out or detox juice.

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Theres is a possibility you may have a urinary tract infection or a bladder infection. Make a doctors appointment just in case. But for now you can flush out your system by drinking lots of water and cranberry juice. If you don't like cranberry juice they also have cranberry vitamins you can purchase at your local store. There also is a medication called urnistat that you can buy right over the counter at Walgreen's for example.

Does it hurt to pee if you're pregnant?

No it shouldn't hurt. painful wee can sometimes be caused by cystitis. Drinking cranberry juice and foods rich in vitamin c can help cure it.

Why does cranberry make you pee?

Cranberry is a natural diuretic! (makes you pee)

How do you get marijuana out of peoples system faster?

lots of cranberry juice, lots of water, pee alot, and take detox

If you drink a lot of water and cranberry juice will one puff of marijuana show on a pee test?

No, but who takes one puff.

Is concentrated cranberry juice as good as other cranberry juice for drug test?

Cranberyy juice does nothing, it is a rediculous stoner myth from people who have no idea how the body works.

Is it an early sign of pregnancy when your pee burns?

Usually burning while urinating means you have a urinary tract infection. Call your doctor to have a urine test done. In the mean time drink Cranberry tea or take some cranberry pills. Not both either do one or the other. Try to stay away from the juice unless it is pure Cranberry Juice not the cockateil due to the sugar.

How fast does cranberry juice clean out your system?

Cranberry juice will NOT clean your system. It is a diuretic, which means it makes you pee a lot. If you are asking this question because of an upcoming drug test, the only way cranberry juice will help you pass is because of it's diuretic properties. Basically, if you drink water to try and beat a test, and it works, it will only work because you're literally just peeing water, and not drug molecules.

What is wrong it burns when you pee?

I'd say you either have a urinary track infection aka uti or perhaps clamydia. with the uti try drinking lots of water and cranberry juice. if that doesn't help go to the doc, it might be an std

How do you clean marijuana out of my system?

It depends on how much you've smoked but drinking raw cranberry juice without sugar, taking cranberry pills, and drinking a lot of caffeine and doing things that make you sweat like exercising or hanging out in a sauna will help get rid of a lot of the THC. If you need it out fast, then cut out all of the salts in your diet for three days and just have caffeine and cranberry juice and maybe eat some vegetables that are low in salt if you really need to. Drink green tea and other diuretics that make you pee to get it out of your system. And if you're still worried, you can drink a gallon of water an hour or so before you have to take a drug test and then do a 'clean catch' urine sample (where you pee a little and then pee in the sample cup) and it should help.