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if you plant the same plant every year, the plant will only take the nutrient it needs and will suck up all that and leave may other nutrients. with crop rotation the amount of the nutrients stays in balance.

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13y ago

It helps the crops because it supplies nutrients for the soil which helps the next crops.

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Q: How does crop rotation help the crops?
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What is crop rotation and how do peanuts help it?

Crop rotation is planting different crops in different years. This prevents pulling out all the nutrients by a specific type of crop. Peanuts and other legumes help return nitrogen to the soil. Rotation improves the crop yields.

How can crop rotation help maintain the fertility of soil?

Crop rotation can help maintain the fertility of soil by slowing down nutrient depletion. Different crops may use different or fewer nutrients.

Alternating crops on different fields is called what?

Crop rotation.

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What farming methods help conserves soil?

Contour plowing, terraces, no-till farming, cover crops, and crop rotation.

Do you fertilize when your using crop rotation?

What? You can only fertilize your neighbors crops.

What is the name for an interchange of crops?

The name for an interchange of crops is 'crop rotation.' It is used so that one crop can replace nutrients in a field that another has depleted.

What is good about cover crops?

Cover crops are part of crop rotation and are used to help replace lost soil nutrients, and to prevent soil erosion during the off season.

Why is crop rotation important?

Crop rotation is important because certain crops deplete nutrients from the soil and overplanting these crops can make the soil unable to support future crops. By rotating crops, this allows nutrients to replenish in the soil naturally, minimizing the need for artificial fertilizers.

Define crop rotation?

The successive planting of different crops on the same land to improve soil fertility and help control insects and diseases.

What is crop rotation and why do farmers practice crop rotation in the Midwest?

Crop rotation is the practice of growing different types of crops on the same plot of land in sequential seasons. Farmers in the Midwest practice crop rotation to maintain soil fertility, prevent pests and diseases, and improve crop yields. Different crops have different nutrient needs and growth patterns, and rotating crops helps to balance the soil ecosystem and reduce reliance on chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

How does crop rotation help preseve soil?

Different crops use and leave different vitamins and minerals in the soil. Planting a variety of crops will maintain good amounts of nutrients in the soil.