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How does cursing and Swearing affect us.

---- Cursing in the biblical and magical sense.

Cursing that implies the magical ability to make bad things happen to people or things. if there was any real basis in this it would long ago have replaced war as a method for gaining power and influence. so cursing in the biblical sense in the real wold is an activity that belongs on the book shelf with other Fairy Tales.

---- Swearing as in bad language

It puts many people under the impression that you are a rough or crude personality.

People that may have become good friends or business associates wont with to be near you because they are uncomfortable around poor language.

swearing replaces the eloquence in language that may be required to put a point strongly and those listening know it and see you as an ignorant oaf.

it shows those around you that you have a bad attitude and are ignorant of their feelings.

It sets a bad example to all that would one day be able to put a point or argue constructively and eloquently. A monkey can slam the keys on a piano and it always sounds the same, A human can play it the way it should be played.

You never know who you offend when using bad language so when you swear in a public place you may be standing near people that will cringe at your crudeness and have you pegged as the person you try to sound like. You say I don't care what they think of me, however if they tell you that you are an offensive individual with bad manners and no consideration for those around you. you are likely to be offended and respond with more bad language.

It can be used to incite violence and in places where strong swearing is a part of every day life, especially alongside alcohol abuse.

Its ability to influence an outcome is long gone there is no surprise in it, it is so widely used by individuals desperate to be heard that swearing has been converted into something akin to the the background din heard in a supermarket on a busy shopping day. To sum up.

Swearing can be compared to not washing. If you don't wash you will start to stink, and those that don't stink will tend to avoid you, limiting your ability to learn and expand as a human being.


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