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Q: How does cyber bulling hurt peoples feelings?
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Leave which does not concern you?

I will make sure to only focus on relevant information and not involve myself in matters that do not pertain to me.

Why do people hurt peoples feelings to save a relationship?

they do it so that person can sty with them

How does Cyber-bullying get around?

Over The Internet The Cyber Bulling Gets Around . PEople May not Like It but YOU Should Tell SOmebody Instead Of Dealing With It ALone . get Help . Dont be Bullied Cuz At The End . . . The Bully Is Really the MAIN ONE HURT.

Why do cyber bullies use the Internet to hurt people's feelings?

They want to stay annonymas so they wont get caught

Why is it not good to bully people?

Bully's make people sad and bully's make fun of people and hurt them.

What cuases bulling?

alot of things cuases bulling like just calling someone fat or ugly..... harassing them or anything that can hurt someones feeling or if you hurt them.

Is Racism Bad?

yes it is because it can hurt black peoples feelings and it isn't nice DIVINT BE RACIST

How often does cyber bulling happen?

Cyberbulling is unbelievably popular with people who find it as a 'laugh' to hurt others, and because of that, it happens to more than 70% of people and even 42% of girls have been cyberbullied from text messages.

Why do boys joke around with asking girls to go out with them?

Because boys are Dumb and hurt peoples feelings or make girls laugh

How do you tell someone to stop gossiping about other kids?

tell them that it,s very mean what they are doing and it can hurt other peoples feelings.

How does racism hurt people physically?

Rascim is bad because it hurts peoples feelings and its all based on your curtal and skin colour.

What are hurt feelings?

Hurt feelings refer to emotional pain or distress caused by a perceived offense or negative experience. It can result from a variety of situations such as criticism, rejection, betrayal, or disappointment, leading to feelings of sadness, anger, or resentment. Addressing hurt feelings involves validating emotions, effective communication, and empathy.