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Bully's make people sad and bully's make fun of people and hurt them.

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15y ago
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13y ago

Bulling people hurts peoples feelings, but if someone is being a butt to you than its OK to bully them!

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12y ago

Because its MEAN, RUDE, CUREL! It brings people down and that's NOT right!

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Why does WikiAnswers bully you?

No all the people on WIkianswers bully you, only the mean people on Wikianswers bully you. People like the supervisors on bully you.

When does a bully bully?

The kinda-good bully only bullies people who NEEDS to bully, like some arrogant piece of **** who deserve of beating. And they usually only bully people who annoys them. So basically just avoid on being around someone who bullies people. Ngl i think bullies makes people better by making them stronger againts a situation like that cause i was bullied and now i am ufc fighter.

What is a good moral to teach kids in a story?

That cheating gets you nowhere. And not to bully people

What is a good bully poster contest title?

beat the bully

What is a name for someone who makes fun of people?

its calld a bully but never be one or your not going to have any friends i prmise that being a bully is not a good idea take my advise i speak from expiriences from not being friends with a bully she stopd being a bully becaus she was lonly

When do people bully you?

when people bully you,don't bully then back.Just step to the side and tell an adult.The one who bullying you are gonna get in trouble not you

Does Maggie make friends?

No, she bully's and cyber bully's people

Why do people think it's okay to bully a victim and the victim commits suicide?

Usally because people have something on in their lives and want attention from others. They bully others, and by this, they make it to the popular group. This makes the bully feel good, and get all of his/her friends to bully someone. The bully gets over whelmed and gets stupid and tells him/her to commit suicide. There is so much preassure that the victim takes it seriously.

What should you know about bullies?

billies bully people such as people who stare at them[people who are geeks,nerds,ect]that's who they bully

Why do people verbal bully?

Well, people verbal bully because it makes them feel in control and powerful.

Is everybody a bully?

every body is a bully once and a while but some people are so mean they make you a bully