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It is because, when the feces decomposes, the feces acts as a fertilizer.

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Q: How does decomposition help make the soil fertile?
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How is soil affected by the process of biological decomposition?

it makes it more fertile.

What is the most important in the formation of dark fertile soil that is good for farming?

plant decomposition

How do animals that live in the soil help in the soil formation?

When the animals die they are decomposed and that make the soil more fertile.

How do animals that live in soil help the soil formation?

When the animals die they are decomposed and that make the soil more fertile.

Why did the annual flooding of the nile help make the soil more fertile?

The silt from the bottom of the Nile River would settle into the soil making it more fertile.

What can be done to help conserve fertile soil?

Fertilizer, crop rotation, water, and regular care all help conserve fertile soil.

How do decomposers help make the soil fertile?

decomposers help make soil more fertile by making the burrows and hole in the soil which soil more air. decomposers also eat your organic waste which leaves humus. humus is a very fertile substance that is good to plant a seed in.

What factors affect the thickness of the horizons and the composition of the soil?

I think this is the answer: Some soil organisms mix the soil and make spaces in it for air and water. Other soil organisms make humus, The material that makes soil fertile.

How do volcanic eruptions help the earth in a positive way?

It make the soil very fertile and good for growing

How can succession make a community's soil more fertile?

Succession can make soil more fertile by not plowing the ground so much. If your soil is not fertile than that means the soil is either drifting away in the wind or you are just not taking enough care into the soil. I hope that helps.

Why are earthworms important for the soil?

Because, they swallow the soil to make it fertile.

Which type of organism helps with decomposition?

Soil organisms aid in the decomposition process. Decomposition is a process in which animals and plants bodies rot and break down.