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Q: How does decomposition of plants affects soil?
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How does carbon move from plants and animals into the soil?

It is used by plants in the process of photosynthesis and animas eat plants which already have carbon.

Which type of organism helps with decomposition?

Soil organisms aid in the decomposition process. Decomposition is a process in which animals and plants bodies rot and break down.

How soil affects vegetation?

Good, healthy, and rich soil will produce healthy plants. Soil that isn't healthy won't produce plants as well as rich soil can.

How soil affects vegetable production?

Good, healthy, and rich soil will produce healthy plants. Soil that isn't healthy won't produce plants as well as rich soil can.

How do decomposers reshape the landscape?

Decomposition adds in fertility of soil which results in better growth of plants , thus changing landscape slowly .

What is the purpose of burying dead matter in the soil?

The purpose is to enrich the soil with the nutrients released during decomposition so that the plants can get more nutrients. When more nutrients are absorbed, plants grow healthier and produces a better yield in fruits.

How do climate affects soil formation?

desert climates have fewer plants so less topsoil

How do you think plants decompose and what factors effect decomposition?

What is Decomposition? The term decomposition means “to break down”. It typically corresponds to the disintegration or rupture of complex organic matter into a simpler inorganic matter. It is one of the significant and essential processes of the ecosystem. Hence, decomposition is a metabolic process, taking up raw materials in the form of complex compounds, processing it and then converting it into simpler compounds. Bacteria, fungi and a few other microorganisms initiate the process of decomposition and are known as decomposers. They feed on dead organisms to survive. The decaying and dead animals and plants serve as the raw materials which, on the breakdown, produces nutrients, carbon dioxide, and water, etc. Detritus are the raw materials such as dead animals, plants and their remains. Microbes then process this detritus which are collectively known as saprophytes. Also refer: Putrefaction Let us know more in detail about its process and the major factors affecting the process of decomposition. Factors Affecting Decomposition Following are the important factors affecting the rate of decomposition: Litter Quality The rate of decomposition depends on the structural and chemical properties of litter. For eg., the litter of bryophytes are decomposed at a slower rate due to the presence of lignin like complex chemicals. Temperature Temperature regulates the growth and activity of microorganisms. The temperature is different at different elevations. The species diversity and the microorganism count is affected by environmental changes. Aeration The oxygen present in the pores of the soil helps in the growth of microorganisms. In the water-logged soils, the aerobic microorganisms are absent. Here only anaerobic microorganisms can grow and initiate decomposition. Soil pH The presence of cations and anions governs the pH of the soil, which in turn affects microbial growth. Inorganic Chemicals After decomposition, the elements like potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium are released into the soil. Some of these are used by the microorganisms for their growth. Thus, it affects the rate of decomposition. Moisture The water present in the soil is responsible for various physiological processes of microorganisms present in the soil. The growth of microorganisms is thus governed by the presence of moisture in the soil.

How Garbage affects plants?

The effects of improper garbage disposal are that the garbage breaks down and into the soil. It causes contamination that can reach plants.

How does littering effect the soil?

Littering affects the soil by not letting sun get to seeds in the soil so they can't grow.Without plants we can't get food because the animals that eat the plants will die thus creating a chain reaction.

How does soil affect plant life an area?

Soil contain different combination of sand,clay, and humus.The kind of soil in a region affects the kind of plants that grow there.

How can soil compaction affect a plants growth?

Soil compaction affects plant growth because if the soil is more compact it is harder for air, sunlight, and water to get to the roots of the plant.