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An object will float if it has less density than the fluid in which it is placed; if the object has more density, it will sink.

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Q: How does density affect the floating and sinking of objects?
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How does mass affect floating and sinking objects?

Mass affects the density of a object which therefore affects the floating and sinking of it

Does size affect sinking and floating?

No that is to do with density differences not size differences,

How does buoyancy affect floating and sinking objects?

Buoyancy affects floating and sinking objects by it allowing it to sink or float. Buoyancy is an upward force that allows something to float on water so yeahs... yupp >___________<

Does size can affect floating and sinking?

To determine if an object will float in a substance, you look only at its density

Does the water density affect floating?

Yes, water density will affect an object's ability to float.

Does salt water affect floating or sinking?

Salt increases the density of water, thus makes it easier to float.I've always had troubles floating while swimming in fresh water, but the difference when swimming in the sea is quite noticeable.There are many notes of people doing experiments with floating eggs with salt water versus fresh water.

Why does water density affect boats floating?

The water density is higher than the boat's therefore it floats on the water.

Does the amount of water affect the floatation fo an object?

No, As long as you can see if the object is floating or sinking, then the amount of water does not matter

How does density affect objects that sink?

Density affects objects because the density makes the object either flout, sink or stay in the middle. I hope that can help you. Sorry if it is wrong :(

What are the factors which affect floating and sinking?

Sinking and floating has to do with density, which is the mass (how heavy it is) of the object over the volume (the amount of space it takes up). Water has a density of exactly one, which means every gram of water takes up one mL of space. If something is more dense than water (meaning the object packs a lot of matter into little space), then it will sink. If it is less dense than water (meaning it's less matter taking up a lot of room), then it will float. This is true for any fluid, but I'm using water as an example because the density of other fluids varies.

What factors affect the speed at which objects move through water?

volume shape density

How does a change volume affect an objects density when mass stays the same?

With constant mass, a decrease in volume will increase the the density. Conversely, an increase in volume will decrease the density.