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Q: How does dictatorship style in each country effect its economic system?
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What is the most common economic system?

A dictatorship

Economic system of east Asia?

The Primary economic system of east Asia is Democracy because they have this in most of the countries that dwell there. But in China they have a dictatorship economic system. REPLY: Democracy isn't an economic system its a type of government and when you said China has a dictatorship economic system, i think you mean they have a command economy.

Which country follow capitalist economy system?

There are now almost no countries (except perhaps North Korea and Cuba) that do not basically employ a capitalist economic system. The system of government may be dictatorship or communist but the economic systems have all reverted to capitalistic principles.

How does the monarchy style in each country affect its economic system?

Having a monarchy has no effect on the economic system of that country. Monarchies have presided over traditional economic states, mercantilist states, capitalist states, welfare-socialist states, etc.

Dictatorship and a totalitarian dictatorship?

A dictatorship Is a system where one person rules an area or country. A totalitarian dictatorship is when that one person interferes with every aspect of your life. In a way, a dictatorship can still be considered free

What determines what type of economic system a country has?

Decisions about the kind of economic system a country has are normally made by that country's government.

What are the different countries that have economic system?

Every country has an economic system

Is Bolivia a dictatorship?

Not anymore. The dictatorship regime in Ecuador ended in 1979. Ecuador is currently governed by a Presidential system and is a Democratic Republic country.

What is the effect of corruption to the people?

When people are corrupt the whole country and government suffers. THe country goes into dept and there is no stable economic system anymore. Mexico is a good example.

What is the difference between North Korea and South Korea economies?

North Korea's economic system is restricted due to it's communist form of government. South Korea's economic performance has no restrictions.

What country has a communistic economic system?


An economic system in which colonies supply goods to the mother country is called .?

The economic system is called mercantilism.