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Jesus taught that it is difficult for a wealthy person to enter the kingdom of heaven, but all things are possible to God.

Jesus taught that Christians should think about others, not just themselves. Sometimes this can be more difficult for a wealthy person than for those who already depend upon others for their life and sustenance.

Both comparatively wealthy and comparatively poor people are called upon to take Jesus' teachings seriously, and learn to love God, and to love their neighbours as themselves.

If a person is wealthy, he or she is called upon to give generously, to God and to the poor (2 Cor. 9:6-11). However, Paul said that someone who gives everything to the poor but has not love gains nothing (1 Cor. 13:3).

Both Jesus and Paul had many more messages for the rich than for the poor, but the poor can offer their service to God and it will be warmly received (Luke 21:2-3).

In the Church, it is hard, but the rich person is not to be favoured above the poor person: this is something we need to work at (James 2:1-12).

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Q: How does difference in wealth impact on the way people respond to the meaning and purpose offered by Christianity?
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