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Q: How does diffusion help take in oxygen and glucose?
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Cells take in oxygen by simple diffusion and glucose by facilitated diffusion Therefore oxygen uptake and glucose uptake will differ from each other in all respects except what?

the need for ATP ANSWER Facilitated diffusion and diffusion do differ in ATP requirments

Where does the reaction between glucose oxygen take place?

The reaction between glucose and oxygen is not spontaneous. This can be demonstrated by a container of glucose sitting on a shelf, not oxidizing.

What processes can take place in a root hair cell when oxygen is not available?

active transport and osmosis

What do plants take in through tiny holes in their leaves that help them to make food?

They take in Carbon Dioxide which is combined with water and energy from the sun to create sugar (glucose) and oxygen.

What other substance is needed for respiration to take place?

glucose and oxygen

What gases are exchanged during transpiration?

Carbon dioxide and oxygen. It gets oxygen from the sun and they get glucose. then, they break the glucose down and gives out carbon dioxide.

Example of diffusion inside the human body?

The lungs utilize diffusion to transfer oxygen into the blood stream and take the CO2 out. Another example is the oxygen gradient set up in the ATP transfer cycle.

How are gases exchanged in both sponges and cnidarians?

Cnidaria don't have gills or lungs, but they take in oxygen from surrounding water through diffusion.

How does the exchange of nutrients and oxygen with waste and cardon dioxide take place in the capillaries?

Its all diffusion.

What do the chloroplast take in and what do they produce?

CO2 and water is taken in . Glucose and oxygen is released

What two things do you need for aerobic respiration to take place?

Glucose and Oxygen

Which gas is required for cellular respiration to occur?

Cellulr respiration requires glucose and oxygen and produces carbon dioxide, water and energy