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Q: How does diseases affect population growth in Africa?
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What have been some results of population growth in Sub-Saharan Africa?

Population growth in Sub-Saharan Africa has resulted in the spread of many communicable sexual diseases. It has also resulted in high unemployment and food shortages.

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Which continent has the highest rate of population growth?

Africa has the highest rate of population growth among all the continents. Its population is projected to double by 2050.

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How has increased population growth affected North Africa and Southwest Asia?

Congestion and lack of resources is the effect of population growth in North Africa and Southwest Asia. Poverty and famine also are effects of population growth.

What is or has been the biggest problem in Africa?

Population growth

Why does History it affect population distribution?

today many modern people lived in Africa and the population have the density and population growth kinda so im doin homework so i don't

Zero population growth is a characteristic of what growth?

Zero population growth is a sign of a low birthrate. Other factors that affect population growth include a stagnant Death Rate and a low mortality age.

Continent that has the highest population growth?

Africa has the highest population growth rate among all the continents. This is due to factors such as high fertility rates, improving healthcare, and declining mortality rates, leading to rapid population expansion.

Which US state has the slowest population growth?

I think it is Africa

Does population growth affect Asia?

Yes yes does