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Q: How does earth's supply of fresh water compare to earth's supply of salt water?
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Is it true people are major polluters of earths fresh water supply?

People are major pollutors of Earths fresh water supply.

What total amount of earths water supply is usable fresh water?

The total amount of Earths total water supply that is usable fresh water is less then two percent. The rest is salt water or pond water.

What holds 95 percent of the earths fresh water supply?


What percentage of earths freshwater supply does the great lakes account for?

The Great Lakes contain about 84% of North America's surface freshwater supply, which is roughly 21% of the world's surface freshwater supply.

Where is most of earths freshwater supply?

Most of Earth's fresh water is locked up in glaciers. "Supply" would reference rivers and lakes.

If Earths climate became colder how might fresh water supply be affected?

there would be less evaporation and so less rainfall and as a result less fresh water

What is more than half of earths fresh water supply difficult to use?

It is frozen into polar ice caps and glaciers.

How does the water cycle ensure that water gets used again and again?

The water cycle ensures that water gets used again and again by constantly recycling water through processes like evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. Water evaporates from bodies of water, condenses into clouds, and then falls back to the Earth as precipitation. This cycle repeats itself, allowing water to be used over and over again.

What percentage of earths water is fresh water available for use by living organisms?

three percent of all the earths water is fresh water

Does the water cycle use up earths water supply?

Yes water cycle use up earths supply. Water is evaporated from earth's surface.

How much fresh water is there on Earth.?

3% of the earths water, is fresh water

Why is more than half of earths fresh water supply difficult to us?

It is frozen into polar ice caps and glaciers.