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Q: How does earth rotating on its axis for life?
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What if the earth is not rotating on its axis?

Then the world would have no days or nights. We would just be either day or night depending on when the earth stopped rotating on it axis.

How much degree is rotating the earth on its axis?

how much degree the earth ratates on its axis

How does light arrive on earth?

Earth is rotating on its axis and the sun shines on it

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Why earth is rotating at its own axis?

Any object that rotates has a tendency to continue rotating.

How does Earth rotating on its axis help keep the planter at proper temperatures for life?

If only 1 side of earth faces the Sun, then that part will stay

The earth rotates on what is called its?

The Earth, and all rotating planets, rotates on its axis.

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the cause of earth rotating on it`s axis

What is happening to the Earth at the moment?

It is rotating on its axis and orbiting the sun.

The earth spins on its axis and what else?

In addition to rotating on its axis (spinning), our earth also revolves around the sun (orbits).

How can earth be rotating and revolving at the same time?

Earth itself is rotating on a axis and it's revolving around the sun at the same time.

How does the earth spin and rotate?

no the earth spins on it's axis while rotating around the sun