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There is no evidence to say that eating seedy fruits gives you appendicitis. Some times you get appendicitis after the seed gets lodged in the lumen of appendix.

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Q: How does eating seedy fruits such as tomatoes and guavas lead to appendicitis or inflammation of the appendix?
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What are some of the nutritional benefits of eating tomatoes?

Nutritional benefits of eating tomatoes include lowering the risk of prostate and stomach cancer, reducing inflammation, and increasing your levels of vitamin A and C.

What is the human appendix?

The appendix is a dead-end tube in the intestines. It has no function, and it causes problems in many people, in the form of appendicitis, which is a disease caused by the appendix. When people contract appendicitis, they must get surgery to have their appendix removed.

Does exercising or working out straight after meals cause appendicitis?

No, it does not. This is a myth, most likely spawned by some homeopathic quack or other who "observed" that sometimes attacks of acute appendicitis happened to appear after a meal and then exercise. It is also possible to, if the appendix is infected, to have a flare up in the middle of the night, but this does not mean that sleeping causes appendicitis.

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Does eating chili cause appendicitis?

No, but eating chili can cause gas pains later.

Can eating small sized seeds get you an appendicitis. Also by eating too much sweets?

No, these things cannot cause appendicitis. It's caused by obstruction of the appendiceal lumen, and because of this bacteria multiplies.

How common is it for an 11 year old to have appendicitis?

It is not very common in children, but unhealthy eating/feeding habits can be detrimental

Can eating sunflower seeds give you appendicitis?

I was told about this sunflower seed folk attribution only today by a Trader Joe's checker when I was buying 5 bags of the delicious and time-consuming product. So here I am.A typical answer from any actual medical site that I found for what causes appendicitis:The cause of appendicitis isn't always clear. Sometimes appendicitis can occur as a result of:An obstruction. Food waste or a hard piece of stool (fecal stone) can become trapped in an orifice of the cavity that runs the length of your appendix.An infection. Appendicitis may also follow an infection, such as a gastrointestinal viral infection, or it may result from other types of inflammation.In both cases, bacteria may subsequently invade rapidly, causing the appendix to become inflamed and filled with pus. If not treated promptly, the appendix can rupture.'ve read plenty of anecdotal statements from other sites. However, there isn't a consensus for sure other than to try to avoid eating small indigestible foods such as seed hulls--namely, the shells of sunflower seeds. Why take unnecessary risks? So after reading all this, I am fairly certain that eating sunflower seed SHELLS could cause a blockage that may lead to appendicitis.

What is the cause of you getting your appendix taken out?

Eating seeds or cow milk.

Will your skin turn red from eating tomatoes?


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Can a rabbit die from eating tomatoes?

Obviously no! I don't know about any theories.. .But i have done an experiment on them which tells us that rabbits doesn't dies from eating tomatoes.......