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Q: How does electricity from BC Hydro get to my house?
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Which province is Canada's largest produce of hydro-electricity?

Well I live in BC and it does a lot of hydro power the the greatest is Quebec.

What is BC Hydro's population?

The population of BC Hydro is 2,011.

When was BC Hydro created?

BC Hydro was created in 1961.

How is fast does hydroelectric power go?

BC Hydro's (In Canada) various facilities generate between 43,000 and 54,000 gigawatt hours of electricity annually, depending on prevailing water levels. BC Hydro's capacity is about 11,000 megawatts.

How do you get hydro electricity?

we can get hydro electricity from the water which is re useable all the time

What can one buy from the online store BC Hydro?

BC Hydro is not an online store but is a website for a company that provides electricity in the province of British Columbia. One can do things such as pay a bill, view usage, start a new service or cancel a service by using the company site.

What does hydro-electricity do?

Hyro-electricity is the same as any other electricity. the Hydro- prefix merely denotes how the electricity was generated, in this case it was generated at a hydro-electric plant which uses the potential energy of elevated water to generate electricity.

Which Canadian province produces the most thermoelectric energy?

Well I live in BC and it does a lot of hydro power the the greatest is Quebec.

What is a hydro-electracity?

hydro-electricity is water power of energy

Where does Merritt BC's power come from?

With the large number of mountain fed rivers the area is most likely powered by falling water hydro- electricity stations

How is hydro electricity connected to renewable energy?

Provided water was available in dams, hydro electricity can be produced indefinitely.

Is BC use hydroelectric power?

Yes. That's why we have BC Hydro.