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Q: How does electromagnetic (em) radiation travels through each state of matter?
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Does radiation need matter to transfer heat?

No. Heat radiation is electromagnetic radiation, like radio or light. Notice that we receive vast amounts of heat from the sun yet that heat travels mainly through empty space.

Is radiation breathed in?

No, radiation travels in straight lines (except for charged particle radiation in electromagnetic fields, which follows arc shaped paths). However you can breath in matter that is emitting radiation.

Form of energy does not require matter for traveling through space?

Electromagnetic Radiation

A wave that travels trough empty space or matter?

Both electromagnetic waves and gravity waves can travel through empty space. Gravity waves travel through matter as well; some electromagnetic waves may travel through some types of matter.

What is required for conduction and convection but not radiation?

It is required in both that the pieces of matter are touching so that the heat travels through the matter and not empty space (Radiation)

What type of radiation travels furthest through matter?

cosmic , x-ray and gamma

The space is a vacuum but how the sun's heat reaches the earth?

That is radiant heat, which travels through space by electromagnetic radiation, with a wavelength between radio waves and x-rays, or more specifically between infra-red and ultra-violet. Heat can only go by radiation when there is no air to support conduction of convection.

What energy travels through empty space to warm the earth?

Since we are talking about warming, what you are looking for is heat or more properly thermal energy, But there is a problem as thermal energy cannot travel through empty space as this form of energy is defined in terms of the vibrations of matter at the atomic/molecular level.What travels through empty space and when it arrives on earth produces these vibrations in matter that will warm the earth is electromagnetic radiation, primarily radiation in the infrared and visible light bands. The energy in this radiation is electromagnetic in nature and is cyclicly exchanged back and forth between the electric and magnetic fields of the wave.

What type of energy travels through space?

Could be either a * gravitational wave * electro-static wave * magnetic wave * or a combination of a electro-static and a magnetic wave (usually called light) In matter is could be a * compressional wave * siderial wave

What matter gives off electromagnetic radiation?

Dark Matter

What is the difference between electromagnetic waves and radiation?

No difference at all. Radio waves are one of many types of electromagnetic waves.

What can radiation not do that convection and conduction can do?

Since radiation is done by electromagnetic waves, it can travel through space. i.e no matter is required. That way you can heat up objects through space. Or, for example, the earth gets heated by the suns electromagnetic waves.