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Q: How does electromagnetic wave propagate through air?
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Does red visible light travel faster through water or through air?

Any electromagnetic wave that can propagate through water at all will do so at a lower speed than when it's in air.

What is meant by the medium of a wave?

Waves need a medium to propagate themselves through. The waves generated on a pond by a falling droplet need a medium, in this case its the very water of the pond. Sound waves can propagate both though a water medium or an air medium for example. Electromagnetic waves are an exception in that they do not need a medium to propagate through (the can propagate through the void of interstellar space).

Is air an example of an electromagnetic wave?

No. -- A fruitcake is a mixture of solids. It is not an electromagnetic wave. -- A martini is a mixture of liquids. It is not an electromagnetic wave. -- Air is a mixture of gases. It is not an electromagnetic wave. -- White light is a mixture of electromagnetic waves. -- An FM radio signal is a mixture of electromagnetic waves.

What wave can not propagate in vacuum?

Sound waves cannot propagate in vacuum. Air is needed for sound waves to travel and there is no air in vacuum.

Is sound an example of an electromagnetic wave?

No. Sound is a longitudinal wave consisting of mechanical vibrations travelling through matter (solid , liquid, gas, etc). An electromagnetic wave (light) is, classically, a transversely oscillating electric and magnetic field and requires no medium in order to travel.

When a wave continues to propagate in still air which quantity decreases?


What is the medium for the waves?

Anything that "transports" the wave. The specific medium depends on the type of wave; a water wave travels through water, a sound wave through air (or other material), electromagnetic waves, as well as gravity waves, can travel through empty space.f

Is green light traveling through air an example of a compressional wave?

No. Green light, like all electromagnetic waves, is a transverse wave.

If a sound wave and an electromagnetic wave have the same frequency which has the longer wavelength?

Wavelength is inversely proportional to frequency, but it is directly proportional to the velocity of propagation. Since sound propagates through air much more slowly than EM waves propagate through the atmosphere or the vacuum of space, the wavelengths of sound waves are much smaller for identical frequencies.

How does the light travel in the air?

As an electromagnetic wave.

What do mechanical waves need to propagate?

Mechanical waves badly need a material medium to get propagated. For example sound waves need air, water or solid medium to pass through. But light though it is a wave, it could pass through even through vacuum. Hence it is not a mechanical wave. But it is proved to be an electromagnetic wave. Present science has accepted even free space ie vacuum to be a medium but it is non-material medium.

The denser the medium through which it is traveling the slower a what wave propagates?

Electromagnetic wave, namely, light as it travels through denser medium its speed decreases from its speed when it travels through air or vacuum.