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Chemical bonding cannot be solely explained with the concept of electronegativity. According to generality, it is said that a particular compound has a principal ionic character if it exceeds the electronegativity difference of 1.7 in Pauling's scale.

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Q: How does electronegativity influence molecular bonding?
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How electronegativity can be measured by scale?

Electronegativity is a measure of an atom's ability to attract electrons toward itself. This is all done through covalent bonding.

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Why are electrons shared in molecular compounds?

The sharing of electrons is what makes them molecular compounds. If they didn't share, then they would be ionic compounds. So, depending on what atoms or elements are bonding together, you will have sharing or not. Whether they share or not is more complicated, but has to do with electronegativity and electron configurations.

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in pure metals, there is molecular bonding. These bondings are known as metallic bonds.

What are the applications of electronegativity?

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According to the electronegativity difference between arsenic and oxygen, 1.26, it is molecular.

How does electronegativity effect molecular steructure?

Electronegativity has an effect on molecular structure by pulling atomic particles away and toward each other. Depending on the magnetism of the molecule, the effects can be dramatic.

Can orbital hybridization theory can describe both the shape and bonding of the molecules?

Orbital hybridization provides information about both molecular bonding and molecular shape.

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Molecular. The electronegativity difference is 0.46 which puts it firmly in the covalently bonded category.