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it makes it rain cotton candy and the cotton candy gets all over the crops and then unicorns come and eat the cotton candy and parts of the crop

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Q: How does elevation affect crops farmars grow?
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How does elevation affect the tropical climates in Latin America and the crops that grow there?

because of the 2 regions

What effect might elevation have an growing crops and grazing livestock in the region?

Higher elevations can lead to cooler temperatures, which may affect the types of crops that can be grown. Grazing livestock may have limited access to certain vegetation in higher elevations, which can impact their feeding habits and overall productivity. Additionally, the shorter growing season at higher elevations may restrict the timing for planting and harvesting crops.

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cant grow crops

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It makes them grow bigger or better.

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the rain helped the crops grow

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the soil is rockier as the elevation gets higher in the highland rim.:) i really dont know about crops that grow there.i know the plant life but not the crop llife.

How did irrigation affect the lives of people in Mesopotamia?

my answer is not there

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It's harness is going to take longer to grow

How do earthquakes affect the lives of people and animales?

By cracking the earth so no crops can grow or by killing them

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It gave them water so they can grow crops

How desertification affect farmers?

there wouldnt be enough crops to be grown, since all the nutrients has been took out of the soil. cannot grow more crops in the desert

What is grow crops?

seeds of a fruit or vegetable grow crops