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Elie describes night as a time of darkness, fear, and uncertainty, where he feels a loss of faith and humanity. In contrast, he describes day as a time of relative safety, clarity, and hope, when he can see and connect with others in a more positive way.

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What did Elie describe the concentration camp as being in the book night?

it was tough and sad.

What is an oxymoron in night by Elie Wiesel?

One oxymoron in "Night" by Elie Wiesel is the phrase "bitter sweetness" used to describe the taste of the soup in the concentration camp. This phrase captures the conflicting emotions experienced by the prisoners who found some relief in the food despite the horrific conditions they were in.

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Who is the author of night?

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What is a word that describe a time of day and night?

without stopping

Whose death symbolizes the loss of elie's faith?

Elie's father's death symbolizes the loss of Elie's faith in the novel "Night" by Elie Wiesel. As his father dies in the concentration camp, Elie feels abandoned by God and loses his belief in a just and merciful world. This event marks a turning point in Elie's spiritual journey during the Holocaust.