

How does energy affect matter?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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12y ago

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it makes it boogie

it makes it lighter

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Q: How does energy affect matter?
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How does energY to matter by heating it affect the energy of its particles?

The particles will vibrate faster

How does adding energy to matter affect the energy of its particles?

The energy will increase and the particles will speed up.

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How does matter change energy?

Energy can change the state of the matter and can affect density, pressure and temperature. It can cause deformation of matter and also can cause disintegration to other substance. How the energy affect would deal with what type of energy associate with the matter. Electrical energy could dissociate the matter to ion by excitation of electron. Thermal energy cause molecular vibration and break over the bonding energy becoming gas. The answer is very depending on type of energy concern.

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because thermal energy always flows from warmer matter to cooler matter

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It increases temperature of the matter leading to melting, boiling and subsequent vaporization of the matter.

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How does adding energy to matter by heating it affect the energy of the particles?

yes there is if ur smart common sense

How does adding energy to matter by heating affect the energy of its particles?

yes there is if ur smart common sense

How does adding energy to matter by heating it affect the energy of particles?

yes there is if ur smart common sense

Whit is physics?

Physics is the study of matter and energy. People that study physics learn about how matter and energy interact with each other and how they affect each other.

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I don't now