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Energy enters plants through a process called photosynthesis

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Q: How does energy enter a food chain through plants?
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How does the suns energy enter the biological world?

The sun's energy enters the biological world through photosynthesis. Plants capture sunlight and convert it into chemical energy in the form of glucose through this process. This energy is then transferred through the food chain as organisms consume plants or other organisms.

How does energy enter this food chain?

It originates from the sun and enters the food chain when plants absorb it for photosynethis.

How does energy from the sun enter livings systems such as plants?

through the leaves

How does energy get from the sun to a second level consumer?

energy from the sun is taken by plants in the process of photosynthesis to form glucose from CO2 and H2O. The plants have a compound in their green leaves cells called chlorophyll which is enables the cell to trap sun rays or light particles called photon and so through plants and algae sun energy enter into food chain

How did Glucose enter the food chain?

Plants (and some protists and bacteria) take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and use it to make glucose through photosynthesis. They are then eaten by other organisms that break down the glucose for energy and carbon building blocks. Glucose is only in the food chain when the producer is eaten. The energy and matter is then passed on from the consumer in other chemical forms as they are eaten.

How does air enter the plants?

through the chloropyll

How does the original energy enter most ecosystems?

The original energy in most ecosystems enters through sunlight. Sunlight is captured by plants through the process of photosynthesis, where they convert sunlight into chemical energy. This energy is then passed on to other organisms when they consume the plants or other organisms that have consumed plants.

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How does nitrogen enter the food chain?

through special types of bacteria in the soil.

How does energy enter into the living parts of an ecosystem?

It is unknown how energy enters the living world. However, it is supposedly carried through electrons in the ecosystems in Earth.

Describe the second portion of photosynthesis?

the first portion of photosynthesis is light dependent and begins when photons of light from the sun strike the pigments in the thylakoid membrane. the energy from the sunlight is transferred to electrons which enter an electron transport chain. after each step in the electron transport chain lost energy is used to make ATP from adp

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