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The grass gets it's energy from the sun and then the rabbit eats the grass.

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Q: How does energy from the sun get to a rabbit?
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How do organisms share energy that they obtain from the sun?

Organisms share energy from the sun in the food web. A plant converts the energy from the sun into chemical energy, then an animal eats the plant. Sun->Plant Plant->Rabbit Rabbit-> Snake Snake->Eagle Then the foodchain may stop with the Eagle

Can Energy can be passed from plant to animals?

In the food chain yes. A rabbit (animal) eats the grass (plant) and it now has the energy that it absorbed from the sun and ground. the rabbit dies and the energy is givven back to the earth.

How is energey tranferred through a food chainn?

Lets start with the sun. The sun's energy gets absorbed by the plant. Then the animal such as a rabbit eats the plant. The energy from the plant goes to the rabbit when the rabbit eats it. Then the rabbit gets eaten by a deer or another animal. The energy content being transferred gets lower and lower the farther it transfers through the food chain. Then afterwords lets say that a human would consume a deer. The energy from the deer would be transferred to us, humans.

The source of energy for most living things is?

There is the food chain sun gives energy to plants through photosynthesis, small animal eg. rabbit eats plants takes the plants energy, bigger animal eg. fox eats rabbit takes rabbits energy bigger animal eats fox this is the foxs' preditor. so the source of energy is the sun because energy is pasted up the food chain.

Explain why animals food and energy can be traced back to plants and the sun?

Plants need the energy from the sun to grow. The small animals, such as rabbits, eat these plants to grow. Meat eaters such as hawks, prey on these rabitts, therefore connects hawks to the sun. Because the hawks eat the rabbits, who eat plants, who use the sun... the hawks are inderrectly dependent on the sun's enegy. Even humans are in need of the sun, as vegetariands eat plants, and omnivors eat cows, who eat plants. Therfore, every living being on this plant is dependent on the suns energy in one way or another.

What is the primary source of energy needed for all organisms to grow and survive?

The main source of energy for all living things is what they eat. In other words every source of energy comes from the sun. Some clarification: if a bird eats a snake and the snake ate a rabbit and the rabbit ate a carrot and the carrot got sunlight the owl got energy from the sun.

Is a rabbit an exotherm or endotherm?

A rabbit is a mammal, and as such it is an endotherm. He produces his own heat from the energy he gets from his food, and has no need of an extern source like the sun or a radiating lightbulb.

What is the role of energy in living systems?

everything because energy is what makes living things live an example. grass takes energy from the sun, a rabbit eats the grass so a little bit of the energy is passed to the rabbit, a wolf eats the rabbit wich than energy goes to the wolf, and the wolf dies and the energy goes into the ground, wich is transferd back to the plant. in other words the grass, rabbit, wolf all need energy in order to hunt sleep(in the grasses case make food) run walk and so on so i hope this helped

How do the sun a fox a rabbit and the grass connect?

the sun feeds the grass, the grass feeds the rabbit, and the rabbit feeds the fox. Simple, yes?

Can you get rabbit friendly sun cream?

Do you actually need rabbit sun cream? They have fur! But if your rabbit is skinless, I might see your point, then I suggest that you asked your vet.

Is there less energy stored in snake than rabbit?

Less energy is stored in the rabbit as compared to the snake.

When a rabbit eats lettuce in your garden all of the energy in the lettuce is used by the rabbit?

No. The rabbit only uses a fraction of of the energy. As a general rule of thumb, 90% of the energy in an animal's food goes to waste.