

How does environmental pressure affect natural selection?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Garfield Gislason

Lvl 10
4y ago

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When nothing happens to exert strong population pressure on that population, natural selection favors the allele frequency already present. When mutations cause new traits, natural selection weeds these traits out because they're not as efficient as the others.

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Arvilla Kemmer

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2y ago
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Natural selection works on mutations that are already in place. The environmental changes will select for certain mutations if the selective pressure is supplied long enough for several generations of offspring to carry a higher percentage of the mutation.

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Organisms are affected by Natural Selection because Inherited characteristics affected the likelihood of an organism's survival and reproduction.

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natural selection is basiclly only the strong survive which means it effects the weak by killing them but bernifits the strong

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What other theories are there except for natural selection?

Evolution by natural selection is currently the only viable theory explaining the diversity of life. However, the mechanism of natural selection is not the only mechanism to affect evolution. There are phenomena such as genetic drift, biased gene conversion, intragenomic conflict, and so on, that aren't exactly the same as natural selection (although they are all intertwined and all affect one another), but do affect the direction of evolution.

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Humans affect artificial selection by selectively breeding organisms with desirable traits, leading to changes in their genetic makeup over generations. By controlling the mating of organisms, humans can accelerate the process of evolution to develop specific characteristics in plants, animals, and other organisms. This process has been used in agriculture, animal husbandry, and even in pets to produce desired traits.