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Q: How does epinephrine make you feel when administered?
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What are the symptoms caused by Epinephrine?

Epinephrine is a drug that is often administered before dental surgery and it caused the mouth to be numb. There is rarely any effects from Epinephrine but occasionally one will be administered too much and can have symptoms such as slow heart rate, shallow breathing, drowsiness, fainting and seizures in rare cases.

Can epinephrine be administered in any way other than injection such as oral ingestion?


Is epinephrine a sedative?

Epinephrine is pure adrenaline. It won't put you to sleep when administered, but instead give your body a burst of energy and pump your heart rate up.

Which observation suggested to Sutherland the involvement of a second messenger in epinephrine's effect on liver cells?

Glycogen breakdown was observed only when epinephrine was administered to intact cells.

Why mix epinephrine with a local anesthetic?

It prevents the anesthetic from being systematically absorbed. The local anesthetic will cause vasodilation, and this can push some of the drug into systemtic circulation. Epinephrine causes vasoconstricton and keeps the anesthetic drug in the area where it was administered.

Why is epinephrine used during a leep?

Epinephrine is used to minimize the bleeding. It constricts the blood vessels, so there is less blood loss. I imagine there will still be some bleeding, though. Epinephrine is also known as adrenaline. Our bodies make adrenaline when we are scared, excited, nervous. You may feel these kinds of sides effect of epinephrine during the procedure. When in doubt, don't be afraid to ask your doctor. Hope this helps!

Does epinephrine affect mood?

yes. it's a brain chemical that can influence how you feel.

Adrenal medulla produces what large amounts of the hormone?

epinephrine and norpepinephrine

How do you make a potion to make someone fear less?

Get some epinephrine and inject it into you.

How could epinephrine be used for someone bleeding from an injury?

Epinephrine is a hormone commonly known as Adrenalin. The body normally releases this during a time of stress, injury etc. The effects of epinephrine on the body are increased breathing rate, increased (systolic) blood pressure, increased heart rate. Now, if someone were bleeding due to an injury, an increased heart rate will cause an increase in the blood loss. The reason that epinephrine is administered to a patient is usually for a sever allergic reaction or to restore a rhythm in cardiac arrest.

What are the two neurohormones found in sympathetic or adrenergic nerves?

Epinephrine or adrenaline, and non epinephrine or noradrenaline.